Executive Board 24-25

Boone CSD
Bozz has been in education for nearly twenty years and is the Work-Based Facilitator for the EDGE program at Boone High School. She is very passionate and energetic about connecting students to real world experiences. She absolutely loves how supportive the Boone community is with this program and opportunities for students. She says it has been an incredibly rewarding experience to connect students to explore future careers and has tugged at her heart strings at these connections. She has her BA in English Education, her masters in technology, and her MOC endorsement. She is excited to see the world of work-based learning grow and bloom in not only Boone, but the state of Iowa.
Vice President
Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Erica Ewert is a dedicated education professional with over 20 years of experience in the field. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communications with a focus on Event Coordinating and a Master of Science in College Student Personnel, specializing in Leadership in Higher Education. Throughout her career, Erica has held various roles including teacher, Student Life Coordinator, Dual Credit Coordinator, Career Services Coordinator, and most recently, Assistant Director of Work-Based Learning at Eastern Iowa Community Colleges.
In her current position, Erica collaborates with 21 schools to design and manage career awareness and exploration initiatives, helping students discover their skills, passions, and potential career paths. Her deep passion for education is evident in her commitment to guiding students toward their future careers, making a lasting impact on their professional development and personal growth.
Okoboji CSD
Becky Rients is a No Boundaries Middles Facilitator at Okoboji Middle School. This is her sixteenth year teaching and eighth year with the Okoboji Community School District. At Okoboji, she taught ELA classes to seventh- and eighth-grade students. She facilitated the No Boundaries Middles program, where students work in a passion-based, student-centered environment where the curriculum connects with the community through real-world experiences. Her favorite thing about her current position is the opportunity to see students’ confidence and growth while working on real projects with real business partners in the community.
Mount Pleasant CSD
Tyler is in his 20th year of teaching currently serving Mt. Pleasant Community School district as School-to-Work Coordinator, Workplace Experience Coordinator, and principal of WisdomQuest Education Center. Tyler enjoys working in the school and community to help build relationships.

Cedar Rapids CSD
Tara currently serves as the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Content Lead and Work-Based Learning Coordinator for the Cedar Rapids Community School District. She also serves as the chair of the Regional Planning Partnership for Region 10. Working closely with the intermediary, Tara seeks to provide opportunities for underrepresented populations while strengthening community partnerships.
Department of Education
Joe provides work-based learning support for schools across the state through his role as an Education Program Consultant for the Iowa Department of Education. He has been in this role since 2023, but has worked for the Iowa Department of Education since 2017 in various roles to support career and technical education (CTE), industry sector partnerships, career pathways and community colleges. He is passionate about education and the role it plays in helping us all achieve our best and true potential.
Department of Education
Kelsey has supported Secondary Transition services for schools across the state in her role as an Education Program Consultant for the Iowa Department of Education since November 2023. Prior to joining the Department, Kelsey supported Secondary Transition services, including Work-Based Learning, at the district level. Kelsey brings 15+ years of prior experience in the field of disability, education, and employment to her current role. Kelsey is passionate for improving the outcomes, equity, and inclusion of individuals who experience disabilities.